How to Display Plotly maps in Jekyll
Getting Plotly to work in markdown
If you use Plotly in your Code and try to convert to markdown for your blog like I did in this previous post, you may notice that the code does not transfer over well. In order to get your maps to display properly, follow these steps below:
- Create your notebook as usual IN JUPYTER NOTEBOOK
- Include the following, where fig=your plot and figure.html is what you will name the map html
import as pio pio.write_html(fig, file='figure.html', auto_open=True)
- Convert the notebook to markdown using the the anaconda prompt
jupyter nbconvert -–to markdown Example-Post.ipynb
- Remove the actual plotly code from the markdown
- Upload the figure.html file and commit it to _includes folder in the root of your site repository
- In your markdown file for the most use an include tag where you want the map to appear.
Paste this with percent marks instead of asterisks {* include figure.html *}
I hope this helps!